Unlocking Public Data for a Prosperous Digital Future with DATAVISUAL

Recently the European Commission has announced a list of high-value datasets that will be made available for public use, free of charge, within the next 16 months. The release of these valuable datasets – ranging from meteorological to mobility data – is not only expected to benefit society, the environment, and the economy but also to catalyze digital innovation, thereby enhancing Europe’s industrial competitiveness.
Margrethe Vestager, Executive Vice-President for Europe Fit for the Digital Age, aptly mentions that this step is integral to creating a more prosperous digital future. We believe this sentiment aligns perfectly with the mission of the Erasmus+ DATAVISUAL project, which is centred around adapting vocational training to the new realities of our digital age.
These high-value datasets will provide critical resources for VET programmes under the DATAVISUAL project. With our focus on data visualization, the released data will fuel innovative learning methodologies and provide a real-world context for trainees. Moreover, it will facilitate the creation of specific online vocational content, supporting the upskilling of professionals in sectors impacted by increased automation, like graphic design.
Furthermore, the opening of these datasets will address the digital divide. This aligns with our goal of overcoming internet accessibility challenges for marginalized groups. Our commitment to democratizing data and digital skills access is reflected in our work on this project.
In the broader context, the availability of these high-value datasets bolsters the DATAVISUAL project’s alignment with the EU Big Data Strategy. It enables us to enhance data storytelling, highlighting European values and a human-centric approach to Big Data.
Thierry Breton, Commissioner for Internal Market, emphasized how data forms the cornerstone of EU industrial competitiveness, and we couldn’t agree more. As these datasets become accessible, they will undoubtedly pave the way for more digital products and services, stimulate entrepreneurship, and improve public service delivery – all of which are key aspirations of the DATAVISUAL project.
The full list of key Dataset released can be accessed here: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=uriserv:OJ.L_.2023.019.01.0043.01.ENG
This exciting development brings about a world of possibilities for those engaging with the DATAVISUAL project, offering enriched resources and providing a fertile ground for digital innovation and improved vocational training.
To learn more about the project and how you can get involved, visit the DATAVISUAL project website at www.bigdatavisual.eu.
Stay updated as we navigate through this transformative journey towards a more prosperous digital future.