“The Visual Report on Big Data Design,” is a pivotal resource developed under the ERASMUS+ DATAVISUAL project (bigdatavisual.eu). This document is an embodiment of work-based learning, offering a collection of inspirational and exemplary Big Data Information Design cases. Aimed at both learners and educators, it focuses on practices aligned with the EU Big Data Strategy values. Our report is structured around three key sectors: the public sector, the nonprofit sector, and the private sector. By showcasing these diverse examples, we aim to illuminate the vast potential of information design in the realm of big data. This report serves as an invaluable tool for VET Trainees and Trainers, providing them with practical, real-world examples of effective big data storytelling and visualization practices. Explore this rich compilation to gain insights into the transformative power of data visualization in various professional contexts.


Welcome to our comprehensive series of webinars on Data Visualization, presented as part of the esteemed DATAVISUAL Erasmus+ project. This collection is meticulously designed to cater to both beginners and advanced learners, covering a range of vital topics in the field of data visualization. Our series includes in-depth explorations of tools like Power BI, discussions on data visualization in the context of GDPR, insights into storytelling techniques for data interpretation, and practical applications using Python and Tableau. Whether you’re looking to enhance your skills for professional development or to gain a deeper understanding of data visualization concepts, these webinars provide valuable knowledge and practical examples to guide you on your journey. Dive into our curated list of webinars and empower yourself with the art and science of transforming data into actionable insights.

Datavisualization Webinars

Power BI
Training pill 04

and GDPR Training pill 01

Case study

Python for Datavisualization
Training pill 1

Power BI
Training pill 01

Power BI
Training pill 05

Datavisualization and GDPR Training pill 02

Storytelling for Datavisualization
Training pill 1

Python for Datavisualization Training pill 2

Power BI
Training pill 02

Power BI
Training pill 06

Datavisualization and GDPR Training pill 03

Storytelling for Datavisualization Training pill 1

Tableau for Datavisualization

Power BI
Training pill 03

Power BI
Training pill 07

An Overview

Python for Datavisualization Introduction

ChatGPT for Datavisualization